Tuberculosis (TB) test
One critical step in applying for a residence permit in the Netherlands is undergoing a tuberculosis (TB) test. This requirement is part of the immigration process to ensure public health safety and control the spread of TB, a serious infectious disease.
Introductory Test Requirement
Depending on your nationality, a TB test or treatment is mandatory if you want a residence permit. When you apply for the permit, you must sign a declaration stating that you will undergo this test within three months after arriving in the Netherlands. The Dutch Municipal Health Service (GGD) conducts the test and can answer any specific questions you might have. Importantly, this requirement applies only when applying for a residence permit for the first time.
A Serious Health Concern
Tuberculosis, commonly known as TB, is an abbreviation for a severe and easily spreadable infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB primarily affects the lungs but can also impact other tissues. It spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, making it highly contagious. If left untreated, TB can be deadly. Although treatable with intensive antibiotics, the treatment is lengthy, often lasting between six to nine months.
How to get tested in the Netherlands
Suppose the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) requires you to undergo a TB test. In that case, you will receive a letter instructing you to make an appointment at the Tuberculosis Department of the Dutch Municipal Health Service (GGD). The initial examination involves an X-ray of the lungs, and you may be required to return for follow-up examinations.
Attending these follow-up examinations is crucial to ensure thorough testing and treatment if necessary. Failure to take the TB test within three months of receiving your residence permit can result in the cancellation of the permit for you and your family.
Exemptions from the TB Test
Not everyone applying for a residence permit in the Netherlands needs to take a TB test. The obligation does not apply to nationals from countries mentioned on this list. You do not need to undergo the TB test if you are from one of these exempted countries. However, if you are from a country where the TB test is mandatory, the GGD recommends testing for TB every six months for two years following the initial test. You will receive a request from the GGD for these follow-up tests.